Maximize Corporate compliance training for your employees
Maintaining employee compliance training standards is critical for every business. At RTG Solutions Group, our Learning and Development experts will ensure your employees are trained to maintain policy, safety, legal and procedure standards specific to your industry and workplace.
In industries and workplaces such as operations, manufacturing, warehouses, healthcare, military defense contractors, utilities, and corporate offices, ensuring that your organization’s employees meet and maintain regulatory compliance is a must. We develop custom compliance training that meets the strictest regulatory standards and incorporates today’s top learning tools and methods.
Adhering to regulatory compliance training is a part of doing business and necessary for employees. It’s important to monitor and ensure all employees continue to meet all compliance training standards. Yet, while compliance training for employees may be mandatory, no one said it had to be boring. Yes, it is possible to create engaging corporate compliance training that maximizes employee involvement, comprehension, and retention of information.
There are a variety of training methods that our instructional designers can incorporate into the training. E-learning training platforms allow employees to take the needed training at their convenience and their location.
Meet your workplace regulatory and corporate compliance training needs
Our Instructional Design team develops custom training to meet your organization’s compliance requirements.
Whether your business needs to implement regulatory or corporate compliance training initiatives, RTG Solutions Group can develop the training to meet your specific needs. Each organization’s compliance training is unique. It can include governing and industry-specific oversight, employment laws, safety requirements, ethics, legal applications, and company policies and procedures.
Workplace compliance is necessary for any business to adhere to legal and industry-related regulations. Since compliance training is required for business operations, it is an ongoing effort. Often required annually, it’s important to establish a foundation of the process and methods to efficiently implement the required training across the organization and embed it as part of the company’s culture. Rather than waiting until potential legal fines or lost contracts, staying in compliance is critical to standard operations.
Types of compliance training
Training for employees will vary by their job responsibilities, position level, and industry. For example, employees who work in operations or production may require more safety training and those in finance may require additional fraud and data security training.
State and federal regulations
Industry-specific policies
Data security
Ethics and corruption
Financial regulation and fraud prevention
Risk management
OSHA regulations
Workplace safety
Company-specific policies and standard operating procedures (SOP)
Employee conduct
Sexual harassment
Discrimination, diversity, and inclusiveness
Substance abuse
HIPPA regulations
HR requirements and legal guidelines
Assessing an organization’s compliance training needs
Prior to developing your organization’s compliance training, the RTG Solutions Group Learning and Development team will conduct a training needs analysis. We will take a deep-dive into your current training approach, methodologies, learning management system and either develop new training or update your current training. We outline our findings and recommend the best approach and process to equip your employees with the necessary training for their roles to meet governing requirements. Our instructional design team then creates engaging compliance training to meet your organization’s needs.
Integrating compliance training as part of your Learning Management System
Our team will provide compliance training that fits with your preferred training methods and incorporate it within your Learning Management System (LMS). If your organization currently does not utilize a Learning Management System, we will provide the needed regulatory compliance training that fits within your Learning and Development process. If your HR or Learning and Development team is looking to update or create an integrated training platform, we can assist with all project management efforts of implementing a Learning Management System (LMS). This includes a training needs analysis, evaluation of LMS platforms for your organization’s needs, independent vendor recommendations, implementation, and training.
Managing documentation of employee compliance training
Documentation management of employee compliance training is a critical part of reducing operational risk, fines, lost client contracts, safety concerns and maintaining regulatory oversight standards. The RTG Solutions Group team will improve upon or establish an efficient documentation management process to track corporate compliance training in real-time, identify performance gaps, maintain records and issue reports.
Communicating about compliance training requirements
Do your employees know what training is required for them and the company to maintain compliance requirements? Often the necessary training is required annually. Do your employees know when they need to renew their training? Do your employees know the training method, either instructor-led or online learning that is needed? It’s important to communicate training expectations and how important it is for their role in the company. Does everyone training deadlines and how to access it online? For HR and department leaders, ensure your teams know the “how, when, where, what” details to maintain compliance in all areas of the organization.
For many businesses, communication may be seamless. For others, communication may be cumbersome from leaders and managers to employees. Strive to efficiently communicate the necessary training information to employees to retain compliance for everyone.
The ongoing need for compliance training
Do your employees know what training is required for them and the company to maintain compliance requirements? Often the necessary training is required annually. Do your employees know when they need to renew their training? Do your employees know the training method, either instructor-led or online learning that is needed? It’s important to communicate training expectations and how important it is for their role in the company. Does everyone training deadlines and how to access it online? For HR and department leaders, ensure your teams know the “how, when, where, what” details to maintain compliance in all areas of the organization.
For many businesses, communication may be seamless. For others, communication may be cumbersome from leaders and managers to employees. Strive to efficiently communicate the necessary training information to employees to retain compliance for everyone.
Connect with RTG Solutions Group Today!
To begin a training needs analysis or chat about your Learning and Development objectives, contact RTG Solutions Group today. We are here to help provide real business solutions driven to improve business efficiency. Email us at contactus@RTGsolutionsgroup.com or call 813-943-5727 today.