Our approach: People, Process, & Communication
We believe when an organization develops their people, continually improves processes and is committed to communication, they position themselves for success.Through our business consulting services, we help leaders create an environment for success built on 3 pillars:
People- When employees are engaged, empowered and valued, they are committed to the organization and its success. When leaders value people, and support their development, attrition is low and an organization benefits from the best that employees have to give.
Process- Any process can be improved to save time, money and resources. From redundant steps in the Accounts Payable/Receivables department, to the cost it takes to build a product, or provide a service, there are bottlenecks in any process. Identify the current processes and apply methods to improve them.
Communication- A commitment to communication efficiency can transcend an organization. In a structured flow of vertical and cross-functional information, decisions are timely, problems are solved sooner, and employees at all levels of the organization are regularly informed.
Types of Business Consulting Services
Process Improvement – Inefficient processes exist in any organization. They cause delays, unnecessary expense and frustration. Through process mapping, we diagnose the bottlenecks, outline a constructive path forward, and teach team members to implement new process strategies.
Supply Chain – It’s critical for businesses to master the flow of products through their organization. We assist businesses in improving their supply chain to one that is structured for competitive advantage.
Learning & Development – To reduce attrition, increase employee engagement, and enhance productivity, it’s important for people to have the right skills for today, and Our Instructional Design team develops training specific for your needs and your Learning Management System (LMS).
Change Management – Change is the one constant. To thrive in the ever-changing, technology-driven economy, organizations, and employees must pivot and adapt to change. We guide leaders and their teams to prepare and navigate through constant change, creating an environment of structure rather than chaos.
Strategy Consulting– Where is your company heading? And do you know how to get there? Strategic goals and initiatives are the north star for business leaders. It’s important that everyone in the company knows how their individual work impacts these goals. As part of our RTG Management System, we help leaders position their business units to drive towards the organization’s goals and attain them.
What's in a Name?
At RTG Solutions Group, every team member is committed to improving efficiencies throughout organizations. It’s part of our culture. It’s in our DNA and even resonates in our company name.
We’re often asked: What does RTG stand for?”
Actually, there is intent behind our name. “RTG” is an acronym representing the strategic practice of measuring organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Aligned with our process improvement approach, RTG = Return To Green.
We advocate for, and teach how, to monitor projects and priorities utilizing “red” and “green” indicators. This approach is foundational in our RTG Management System and part of Tiered Escalation.
With this proven binary tactic, there is no in-between. When assessing the status of a project, there is no “maybe” or “sort of.” If the item on a team’s Tiered Escalation board is “green,” the goal is on track to meet the deliverable date. If a project is in a “red” status, it is overdue or there is concern or problem that will impact meeting the deadline.
The team discusses how to help, and take action in real-time, to get the project back on track. In other words, the team collaborates, pulls resources and ideas to have the project “return to green” status.
We identify and fix the problem
As a business leader, often you know what’s broken. You’re just not sure how to fix it. Or you know the direction you want to take the company but don’t have the resources to make it happen. That’s where we can help. RTG Solutions Group excels at these types of consulting services. Yet, where others may come in and access what’s wrong and provide a report, we actually fix the problem. Along the way, we teach you and your teams how to solve future problems.
Ready to start the journey? Contact us today.